Max The murder

One day a boy named Maxwell or max for short was going to school one day. He was usally bullied but they won't really meant to hurt his feelings because most of the bullies were his friends. One day a kid who was trash talking him at basketball pratcies kept making fun of him on how bad his shots were. Max then dunked on him so hard the kid died. Max liked the feeling of killing someone he felt alive he felt powerful he wanted to do it aging.
Max then continuted his killing spread first off killing his friends who made fun of him. He soon almost killed all of his 45 friends only one left which is Alex. Alex was one of his friends who made fun of max the most. Max made him his last person on the murder list because he has a plan for him a special thing for hin. Max first killed his family first and then kidnapped Alex and burning his house down.
Max brought Alex into a abanoned showbiz pizza place putting him into the dinning area. Alex woked up and saw himself strapped into a chair he then saw lights on the show satge and saw max with a milk man suit saying "Honkey dory Alex its me MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXXXXXX. I'm am very pissed off all your shits in the years so now i'm gonna kill you in the most painful way to murder you and its READING JEFF THE KILLER X SLENDER MAN FANFICS" . Alex sometimes but not all the time farts when he is scares. Alex farted at his most force because he was really scared.Max smelled the fart and fantied. This gaved time for Alex to escape and blow up the place with his bombs in his pockets.
Max then arised form the pizza place and his skin green and his eyes were black slots in his face. Max then blows up random houses and trying to find Alex. Alex was going home untiled he notice his house was now ashes. Alex then went to a orphan house and lives there. Years past and max founded Alex after blowing up random houses,buildings,schools, and fucking theme parks. Max then slit Alex througt Like a solid snake. Max then founded a strange skinny white dude in a suit with tenticles. Max then fowlled him to the forest and never to be seen again.